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madonna is my favorite abstract person. I call her this because she is not someone I know personally. She's just a celebrity that cathces my attention, and has done it for 18 years now. I collect whatever I can find of hers. I like her mostlt because she does what I love and that is change. She always has a new look, and although she says it's not intentional, she does a very good job flowing from one image to another. I am always looking forward to a new Madonna.

this is a very tiny Madonna page, and if I knew how to make awesome web pages like www.madonnacatalog.com and www.madonnarama.com i'd be stylin' and profilin'

Madonna 2000: the cowgirl look

boo-zhwa-say and da rebel

1. music
2. impressive instant
3. runaway lover
4. i deserve it
5. amazing
6. nobody's perfect
7. don't tell me
8. what it feels like for a girl
9. paradise (not for me)
11.american pie(uk version)
11.cyberrega(japan version)

2000 madonna

The latest incarnation of Madonna is the cowgirl look. When I first heard "Music" I wondered why, but then I heard the album, and it does have a country twang to it. Thanks to her I am expanding my mind again! I was hoping for a more upbeat dancie typr album, and it does have a few songs like that, but hey she's surprised me.

comes out Tuesday September 19, 2000
way to go! 4 days after my birthday- it's about time she gave me a birthday present.